- Boston
01205 351114 - Bourne
01778 218001 - Grantham
01476 591550 - Horncastle
01507 522456 - Lincoln
01522 541181 - London
02078 715755 - Newark
01636 673731 - Sleaford
01529 411500 - Spalding
01775 725664 - Stamford
01780 764145
Our People
Search name, position, location or specialism
Our People
Our People
- James Ballaam
- Partner Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Equine Law
- Victoria Barker
- Trainee Paralegal Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Liz Barnden
- Chartered Legal Executive Residential Conveyancing - Boston
- Boston
- Residential Conveyancing
- Sophie Barnes
- Associate & Independent Financial Adviser - Stamford / Spalding
- Stamford
- Wealth Management
- Heidi Bates
- Solicitor Residential Conveyancing - Spalding
- Spalding
- Residential Conveyancing
- Olivia Bellamy
- Trainee Paralegal Corporate - Stamford
- Stamford
- Nigel Bescoby
- Partner Dispute Resolution - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Dispute Resolution
- Jonathan Blythe
- Head of Commercial Property and Partner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Construction and Property
- Ecclesiastical
- Education and Academies
- Energy and Renewable
- Equine Law
- Food and Drink
- Haulage and Logistics
- Healthcare
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Leisure and Tourism
- Manufacturing
- Pension Property
- Planning
- Public Law
- Retail
- 07825 412703
- Rhys Brasier
- Conveyancing Executive - Spalding
- Spalding
- Residential Conveyancing
- Katherine Bunting
- Partner Commercial Property - Boston
- Boston
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Construction and Property
- Equine Law
- Food and Drink
- Haulage and Logistics
- Healthcare
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Landed Estates
- Leisure and Tourism
- Manufacturing
- Public Law
- Retail
- Bradley Butterworth
- Paralegal Private Client - Grantham
- Grantham
- Private Client
- Freya Cade
- Paraplanner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Wealth Management
- Molly Cain
- Paralegal Construction & Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Katherine Cairns
- Solicitor Clinical Negligence - Stamford & Sleaford
- Stamford
- Dispute Resolution
- Medical Negligence
- Personal Injury
- Lorna Carter
- Partner Construction & Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Construction and Property
- Kelly Cassidy
- Partner Residential Conveyancing - Stamford
- Stamford
- Residential Conveyancing
- Liam Chantry
- Associate Solicitor Private Client - Grantham
- Newark
- Private Client
- Claire Clarke
- Partner Private Client - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Private Client
- Ann-Marie Clow
- Partner Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Laura Coleman-Day
- Solicitor Corporate - Newark
- Newark
- Corporate
- Edward Conway
- Chairman - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Charlotte Corbyn
- Partner Trusts - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- Michelle Cox
- Partner Commercial Property Litigation - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Planning
- Anne Dales
- Partner Private Client - Horncastle
- Lincoln
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Private Client
- Jessica Daniels
- Paralegal Land Development & New Homes - Newark
- Newark
- New Homes
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Alison Darwood
- Risk and Compliance Manager - Newark
- Newark
- Janet Davies
- Partner Private Client - Newark
- Newark
- Private Client
- Andrew Dawson
- Private Client Executive - Spalding
- Spalding
- Private Client
- Tracey Dawson
- Conveyancing Executive - Boston
- Boston
- Residential Conveyancing
- Leanne Day
- Chartered Legal Executive Personal Injury - Boston
- Boston
- Medical Negligence
- Personal Injury
- Matthew Day
- Apprentice Solicitor Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Samera Day
- Solicitor Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Neil Denny
- Partner Family Law - Lincoln & Horncastle
- Lincoln
- Family
- Jack Dewey
- Trainee Paralegal Private Client - Boston
- Boston
- Liam Donnor
- Trainee Paralegal Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Rebecca Dwane
- Paralegal Land Development and New Homes - Newark
- Newark
- New Homes
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Property Development
- Sam East
- Partner Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Land Development
- Alex Edminson
- Trainee Paralegal Family - Sleaford
- Sleaford
- Family
- Ben Ellis
- Partner Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury - Sleaford
- Sleaford
- Care Homes and Domicilliary Care
- Dispute Resolution
- Medical Negligence
- Personal Injury
- 07769 299228
- Chris Ellison
- Head of Private Client and Partner - Grantham
- Grantham
- Private Client
- Connie Emsell
- Trainee Paralegal Residential Conveyancing - Boston
- Boston
- Residential Conveyancing
- Neil Etherington
- Partner Commercial Property - Stamford
- Newark
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Commercial Property Planning
- Energy and Renewable
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- 07767 101689
- Lauren Fairbrother
- Solicitor Private Client - Spalding
- Spalding
- Private Client
- Nick Fielding
- Head of Land Development & New Homes and Partner - Newark
- Newark
- New Homes
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Property Development
- Residential Conveyancing
- Stephen Fielding
- Partner Commercial Property - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Construction and Property
- Equine Law
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- 07956 421260
- Samantha Furey
- Chartered Legal Executive & Associate Private Client - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- Pamela Goodrich
- Licensed Conveyancer - Grantham
- Grantham
- Residential Conveyancing
- Liz Graham
- Head of Family and Partner - Grantham and Stamford
- Grantham
- Ecclesiastical
- Family
- Family Business Matters
- 07944 282344
- Lily Grant
- New Build Legal Assistant - Newark
- Newark
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Karen Green
- Paraplanner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Financial Services
- Wealth Management
- Amy Greer
- Partner Private Client - Spalding
- Spalding
- Private Client
- Tracy Griggs
- Private Client Executive - Spalding
- Spalding
- Private Client
- David Guille
- Partner & Notary Public Commercial Property - Boston
- Boston
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Notary
- Neil Gumsley
- Independent Financial Adviser - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Wealth Management
- Katie Hall
- Trainee Paralegal Private Client - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Private Client
- Vicky Haynes
- Compliance Manager & Head of Support - Stamford
- Stamford
- Financial Services
- Wealth Management
- Christine Haywood
- Paralegal Residential Conveyancing - Sleaford
- Sleaford
- Residential Conveyancing
- Abi Hill
- Trainee Paralegal Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Tina Hill
- Chartered Legal Executive and Associate Private Client - Boston
- Boston
- Jessica Holland
- Trainee Paralegal Court of Protection - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Private Client
- Anna Horrell
- Head of Corporate and Partner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Corporate
- Intellectual Property
- Licensing
- Jenny Horsley
- Chartered Legal Executive Corporate - Stamford
- Stamford
- Anna Howat
- Head of Trusts and Partner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Private Client
- Hannah Hunt
- Apprentice Solicitor Court of Protection - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Private Client
- Victoria Hunter
- Solicitor Dispute Resolution - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Debt Recovery
- Dispute Resolution
- Roksana Hyndman
- Solicitor Private Client - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- Nafisa Iltaf
- Solicitor Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Rebecca Inglis
- Partner Commercial Property - Spalding
- Spalding
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Construction and Property
- Equine Law
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Cody Jay
- Apprentice Solicitor Personal Injury - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Personal Injury
- David John
- Partner Dispute Resolution - Boston
- Boston
- Dispute Resolution
- Personal and Business Dispute Resolution
- (0)7415 701574
- Jim Judge
- Partner Private Client - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Private Client
- Adalma Keighron
- Development Paralegal Commercial Property- Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Jo Kelly
- Associate Conveyancing Executive Land & New Homes - Newark
- Newark
- New Homes
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Clare Knoop
- Solicitor Private Client - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- Gabby Kuizinaite
- Commercial Property Executive - Boston
- Boston
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Jo Ladds
- Partner Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Energy and Renewable
- Land Developments and New Homes
- (0)7741 635413
- Sophie Lai
- Trainee Paralegal Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Kate Lee
- Associate Private Client Executive - Newark
- Newark
- Private Client
- Thomas Lee
- Chartered Legal Executive Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Elizabeth Leggett
- Associate Solicitor Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Sarah Lidgett
- Associate Solicitor Construction & Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Construction and Property
- Leah Light
- Trainee Paralegal Family - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Family
- Harry Ludlow
- ICT Manager - Newark
- Boston
- Richard Ludlow
- CEO - Stamford
- Stamford
- Wealth Management
- 07543 656680
- Ruqaya Malik
- Solicitor Employment - Spalding
- Spalding
- Employment
- Millie Manara
- Trainee Paralegal Dispute Resolution - Stamford
- Stamford
- Jacqueline Marshall
- Associate Solicitor Private Client - Grantham
- Grantham
- Private Client
- David Martin
- Partner Independent Financial Adviser - Grantham and Newark
- Grantham
- Wealth Management
- 07432 695189
- Catherine Mason
- Partner Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Shilpa Miah
- Partner Conveyancing - Newark
- Newark
- Residential Conveyancing
- Abi Millward
- Paralegal Residential Conveyancing - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Vilas Mistry
- Solicitor Private Client - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- Christy Mitchell
- Associate Solicitor Conveyancing - Newark
- Newark
- Katie Moorby
- Solicitor Private Client - Spalding
- Spalding
- Private Client
- Andrew Morley
- Partner Dispute Resolution - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Debt Recovery
- Dispute Resolution
- Personal and Business Dispute Resolution
- Professional Negligence
- 07769 251883
- Jo Mulraney
- Paralegal Private Client - Spalding
- Spalding
- Stuart Newell
- Associate Solicitor Corporate and Commercial - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Corporate
- Education and Academies
- Financial Services
- Intellectual Property
- Helen Newson
- Partner Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Private Client
- Eve Niblock
- Trainee Paraplanner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Wealth Management
- May Ozga
- Deputy Head of Commercial Property and Partner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Property Development
- 07415 701574
- Michael Pace
- Head of Personal Injury / Motor Law and Partner - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Personal Injury
- Road Traffic Law
- 07584 229472
- Edward Papworth
- Partner Independent Financial Adviser - Horncastle and Sleaford
- Horncastle
- Wealth Management
- Riky Patel
- Partner Commercial Property - Grantham
- Grantham
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Adam Pearson
- Paraplanner - Stamford
- Stamford
- Wealth Management
- Joe Pegler
- Partner Trusts - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- Tom Price
- Associate Conveyancing Executive - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Residential Conveyancing
- Lydia Pycroft
- COO - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Michael Reeson
- Trainee Independent Financial Adviser - Boston
- Boston
- Wealth Management
- Harriet Robson
- In-house Recruiter - Stamford
- Stamford
- Philip Robson
- Consultant Private Client - Stamford
- Stamford
- Private Client
- 07884 415674
- David Rogerson
- COLP and Partner - Newark
- Newark
- 07985 161078
- Madhia Sadiq
- Solicitor Private Client - Newark
- Newark
- Private Client
- Danielle Sakseide
- Associate Solicitor Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Jeevie Sandhu
- Associate Solicitor Commercial Property - Stamford
- Stamford
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Daniel Scullion
- Apprentice Solicitor Dispute Resolution - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Dispute Resolution
- Grant Shackleston
- Partner, Dispute Resolution and Head of Employment - Boston
- Boston
- Agriculture and Rural Business
- Data Protection and GDPR
- Employment
- 07827 961115
- Laura Simpson-Toyn
- Associate Solicitor Personal Injury - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Personal Injury
- Helen Skellett
- Associate Conveyancing Executive - Stamford
- Stamford
- Residential Conveyancing
- Claire Smith
- Chartered Legal Executive Family Law - Spalding & Boston
- Spalding
- Family
- 07944 892405
- Robert Smith
- Consultant Family Law - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Family
- Family Business Matters
- Landed Estates
- Leisure and Tourism
- Retail
- 07534 169666
- Simon Smith
- Conveyancing Executive - Stamford
- Stamford
- Residential Conveyancing
- Jack Staples
- Apprentice Solicitor Dispute Resolution - Boston
- Boston
- Debt Recovery
- Dispute Resolution
- Personal and Business Dispute Resolution
- Joanna Storey
- Chartered Legal Executive and Associate Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Louise Thompson
- Paralegal Private Client - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Private Client
- Lisa Turner
- Solicitor Family - Sleaford and Newark
- Lincoln
- Family
- Sarah Twigg
- Head of Court of Protection and Partner - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Private Client
- Rachel Vallor
- HR Manager - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- 07990 014748
- Nichola Vyse
- Paralegal Commercial Property - Spalding
- Spalding
- Commercial Property and Agriculture
- Ella Walsh
- Paralegal Land Development & New Homes - Newark
- Newark
- New Homes
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Property Development
- Rosie Watson
- Partner Conveyancing - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Residential Conveyancing
- Sarah Watson
- Solicitor Residential Conveyancing- Sleaford
- Sleaford
- Residential Conveyancing
- Su Wensor
- Conveyancing Executive - Spalding
- Spalding
- Residential Conveyancing
- Tehane Willoughby
- Credit Control Manager - Boston
- Boston
- Dispute Resolution
- Scott Wiseman
- Head of Wealth Management & Partner - Boston
- Boston
- Wealth Management
- 07909 442205
- Annette Wood
- Head of Dispute Resolution and Partner Employment - Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Dispute Resolution
- Employment
- Personal and Business Dispute Resolution
- Planning
- Craig Wright
- Associate Conveyancing Executive - Newark
- Newark
- New Homes
- Land Development
- Land Developments and New Homes
- Property Development
- Residential Conveyancing
- Sandy Wright
- Conveyancing Executive Residential Conveyancing - Horncastle
- Horncastle
- Residential Conveyancing